There’s something very powerful about taking advantage of the seasons. Even the cold ones. Usually, when you think about shooting something outside, green grass and sunny skies come to mind. This week, we got to capture the refreshing beauty of winter for a project for our client, Yess Yoga. It’s just another reason we love Lucia: she was game for bundling up and shooting some stretches on the frozen surface of Little Birch Lake in central Minnesota.

If you’re familiar with yoga, you know that breathing is a major focus of the practice. And this week’s sub-zero weather allowed us to actually “see” her breath. Yess Yoga emphasizes finding peace with yourself– letting go of regrets and expectations. We found the crystal clear sheet of ice was representative of “coming clean”. And the sun salutation, one of the most important poses in yoga, was made even more beautiful by the long shadows cast over the ice by the rising sun.
I’ll be honest. We were wary that this was just a corny idea. That it wouldn’t work. And even we were a little surprised at how well the shots came together. We’re lucky that Lucia was brave enough to risk hypothermia, in order to give it a chance. Because the results speak for themselves. The final video will be posted soon, and we hope you agree, that the frostbite was well worth it.
I know most people are down on winter. They don’t like the cold and the snow. But if you take a few minutes to fill your lungs with that crisp air– and breathe– I’m willing to bet you’ll find some unexpected beauty in the season.