This is Lynn blogging at you today, with a shameless plug for a great organization. I recently joined the board of directors for AMA Iowa, and I’m beyond geeked-out about it. You see, I’ve always been interested in the field of marketing, and in recent years, the hubby’s business has given me a legitimate reason to learn more about it. (I’m the wanna-be CMO of 515 productions.) But the big question was– where to start? I’m a reporter by trade. What did I know about marketing? Not much. So I decided to check out an AMA Iowa luncheon last year. I felt like a fish out of water when I walked in the door. But this group made me feel so welcome, my fears of looking like a loser evaporated.

I continued to attend monthly luncheons and other events, and more than a year later, I’ve learned A TON about the art of marketing. I’m (obviously) no expert, but the more I learn, the more I’m fascinated by this field. And it is so satisfying to challenge myself to get outside my comfort zone and learn something new.
So here’s my plug: if you are in the marketing industry (or want to be), check out the American Marketing Association. It is a great place for novices and seasoned pros, alike. The luncheons keep you up-to-date on the latest trends. The connections you make are invaluable. And its never dull to hang out with a bunch of out-going creative types that make up the world of marketing.
This spring, we produced a video for the Iowa chapter. The people in it can better explain what it is all about. Please check it out. And hope to see you at a luncheon sometime soon!