The Power of Emotion

“How do we know if this video is going to actually get results?” There’s never an easy answer, but it’s a question everyone in video production should care about.

Fortunately, there’s a handy little guide called “The Long and the Short of It”, based on decades of research into the most effective marketing strategies for building a healthy brand. It provides credible guidance and, since we’re in the business of video production, we love using it to help our clients get a bigger return on their video production investment. Below are a few nuggets that you should consider, before moving forward on a video investment and hiring a crew:

Brand building tip #1: “Emotional campaigns produce bigger and more numerous business effects than rational campaigns…” – Les Binet and Peter Field, “The Long and the Short of It”

Brand building tip #2: Video has the power to generate emotion like no other medium can. With the right creative, it can make you laugh or cry. – Lynn’s professional opinion

Brand building tip #3: TV is the most effective media, when it comes to ads generating sales. – Binet and Field

Brand building tip #4: Video can often seem scary, overwhelming and out-of-reach. It doesn’t have to be that way. The video production industry is full of highly-skilled, highly-creative and highly-trustworthy people, who can do much more than just point a camera and shoot. It’s worth your time to get to know them and understand their full range of capabilities, to get the most out of your video investment. – Lynn’s professional opinion

Need help getting your video strategy off the ground? Send an email to or reach out via the contact page.